As the official publication for 30,000+ members of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, it is our duty to provide pharmacists with the necessary news, information and educational content to support them and achieve our goal of improving patient experiences via their consultations with pharmacists.
- Community pharmacists
- Clinical pharmacists
- Pharmaceutical scientists
- Independent prescribers
- Hospital pharmacists
- Pharmacy students
- Pharmacy technicians
- Industrial pharmacists
- Preregistration trainees
- Regulatory pharmacists
- Academics
- Pharmacy owners
- Health policy makers
- Other healthcare professionals
Audience Geography
- Europe 45% (UK 39%)
- Americas 27%
- Asia 19%
- Africa 5%
- Oceania 4%
Feb 22
We can deliver campaigns targeted by geography and serve the international pharmacy community
Our advertising offering
Banner advertising
As of 2021, we will be offering new and improved ad placements across our website. Half-page/double MPUs and billboards will join our standard leaderboard and MPU offering for desktop users of our site. We have a strong cohort of mobile phone and tablet users that can also be targeted using mobile ad formats optimised for our audience.
Third party emails
Deliver your custom text or HTML emails to an engaged pharmacy sector audience. Our pharmacists have opted in to receive email notifications from organisations working in the pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences sector. For performance metrics and audience details please get in touch directly.
Newsletter sponsorship
We send four regular newsletters, delivered to our readers who have opted in to receive them. Over the course of 2020, our newsletters emerged as the best way for our clients to receive clicks on their advertisements. By sponsoring just one newsletter, you can expect at least 30–50+ clicks on your advertising. Sponsorship includes all advertising space in that particular newsletter, as well as a ‘brought to you by’ message.
Newsletters available for sponsorship:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Learning and CPD round-up (monthly)
For performance metrics and audience details please get in touch.
Therapeutic area sponsorship
Our brand new site will give you the opportunity to align your brand to our subject landing pages. Following user testing, we have established that our users prefer to navigate our site via specific subject areas. To encourage this, we plan to house all of our content in easy-to-find treatment/condition landing pages. As a result, sponsorship options can include an advertising tenancy across all related content within your chosen therapeutic area.
Print solutions
The Pharmaceutical Journal has been a printed publication since its inception in 1841. Despite moving all content online earlier in 2021 the journal has retained all its print capabilities and expertise in printed materials. Please get in touch with us directly for more information about our custom publishing offering.
For advertising enquiries please contact:
William Bernard Digital Sales Manager
+44 (0)207 572 2414
Pharmaceutical Journal Jobs
Pharmaceutical Journal Jobs is our leading career resource and jobs board for pharmacist, pharmaceutical scientist and healthcare professionals brought to you from The Pharmaceutical Journal Publications. Find your ideal candidate by posting your vacancies and searching our CV database, all using our simple self-service system. We can also help you with your employer brand awareness campaigns.