Your views on the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s royal college proposals

In this episode of The PJ Pod, we hear from the executive team at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society about its proposals to become a royal college, and from members with their opinions on the plans.

In September 2024, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) put forward proposals to take on royal college status, pending a vote of the membership in early 2025.

The RPS said the proposals were in response to strategic ambitions amid rapid changes in the pharmacy profession, and followed an independent, 18-month-long review of its constitution and governance, led by consultancy firm Firetail.

To share more information with members about why the changes are being proposed and how a Royal College of Pharmacy might operate, the Society’s executive team — comprising Claire Anderson, president; Paul Bennett, chief executive; Karen Baxter, deputy chief executive; and Liz North, head of strategic communications — toured Great Britain to speak with members directly.

The Pharmaceutical Journal attended two of these ‘roadshow’ events to hear from pharmacists and pharmacy students about their opinions on the proposals and to find out what questions they were asking RPS leaders.

More information about the proposals can be found on the RPS website or in The Pharmaceutical Journal’s interview with Bennett, published in September 2024.

If you have any questions that have not yet been answered, you can email them to

This episode was produced by Geoff Marsh and presented by RPS correspondent Corrinne Burns, with support from executive editor Carolyn Wickware.

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Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, December 2024, Vol 313, No 7992;313(7992)::DOI:10.1211/PJ.2024.1.339477

1 comment

  • Howard McNulty

    A helpful introduction but no one in the podcast mentions the public or patients.

    “To be a charity in England or Wales, the organisation must be set up with purposes which are exclusively charitable for the public benefit.”
    That requirement might inhibit some current Society activities. It would help to know what of these a College would not be able to do. The Society has lobbied and influenced governments for years for members benefits, will that stop?

    A College must be able to ensure the public receive the same standard of pharmaceutical care whoever is the provider be it an assistant, a technician, a pre registration graduate or newly qualified or experienced pharmacist.
    I look forward to the promised update of regional events to see if these issues have been covered.


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