Tribute: Karen PitchfordI was shocked and saddened to hear of the untimely passing of my friend and colleague Karen Pitchford. Although I first came to know her as a fellow member of both the GPhC Board of Assessors and the Accreditation and Recognition Panel, Karen joined Aston Pharmacy School in May 2017 as a Senior Teac…
Identification of dry eye conditions in community pharmacy How community pharmacists can identify patients with dry eye and how these conditions can be diagnosed.… Supported content
Factors influencing students in choosing to study pharmacy in Great BritainThis study aims to produce empirical evidence on the commitment to study pharmacy in terms of what motivates and influences students in their choice of subject and university.…
Images of pharmacy as a career: a survey among groups of year 12 students at schoolThis study aims to explore the images and perceptions of pharmacy with potential applicants to undergraduate pharmacy education.…
Mapping teaching, learning and assessment in the MPharm in UK schools of pharmacyThis article aims to undertake a national study of teaching, learning and assessment in UK schools of pharmacy.…