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Standard-dose DOACs not necessarily better than reduced dose, study results suggest

NHS launches ‘game-changing’ guide to tackle problematic polypharmacy

NICE recommends once-weekly injection for severe blood clotting disorder

Fewer than 20% of type 2 diabetes patients on most effective medicine for them, model shows

Pharmacy educators should incorporate sustainability into curriculums, says GPhC

Some UCLan students should not have been offered MPharm placements, says GPhC
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Disagreement and conflict in teams

Allergic rhinitis: diagnosis and treatment
Supported content
The dangers of propranolol for anxiety

The novel schizophrenia drug showing renewed potential for better outcomes

Spotlight: Palliative care access

What does the assisted dying legislation mean for pharmacy?

A shrinking world: What the COVID-19 pandemic taught us about travel vaccines in a globalised society
Sponsored featureOpinion

Our team saves £1m per year on medicines in East Kent by keeping a close eye on value

PJ view: Regulations around AI use in pharmacy are needed now before technology advances further

Pharmacy teams are essential to driving responsive palliative care

How we are helping to address the DPP shortage

How an MPharm placement in social care is preparing students for real-world roles

The pharmacy regulator needs to fix its fitness-to-practise delays before asking for more cash

Exploring research methods used in pharmacy research
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Support royal college status and enjoy a bright future
Take a bold step forwards and vote ‘yes’ to a royal college
Increasing diversity in pharmacy senior leadership: the ENIGMA mentoring scheme
Where are the voices of pharmacy professionals in the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill?
Look out for PANDAS in the UK
Enhancing medicines safety for people with learning disabilities and autism through STOMP
Reframe project: ensuring diverse images for healthcare
Why England’s Pharmacy First sore throat service needs point-of-care testing