Ronald Vincent diesOn 28 March 2015, Ronald Vincent, aged 98, of 31 Marker Way, Devon EX14 2EN. Mr Vincent registered with the Society in 1939 and left in 2004.…
One in ten patients modify their medication to overcome swallowing difficulties In a survey of customers at five community pharmacies in Australia, 10.6% of respondents admitted to modifying their medication.…
Meta-analysis casts doubt over first-line paracetamol use for back pain and osteoarthritis A meta-analysis published in The BMJ has cast doubt on the use of paracetamol as the first-line analgesic for spinal pain and osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.…
Combination anti-TB regimen shows bactericidal action, trial indicates A shorter drug regimen for the treatment of tuberculosis is on the horizon, involving moxifloxacin, pretomanid and pyrazinamide.…
Indian government stands up to EMA over licence suspensionsThe Indian government has come to the defence of GVK Biosciences, the company at the centre of allegations of flawed data used to support the licensing of generic drugs.…
Prescription items dispensed in the community in England top 1 billionThe number of prescription medicines dispensed in the community in England reached 1.1 billion in 2014 and costs rose to £8.9bn, an increase of 3% compared with 2013.…
FDA fights opioid abuse with industry guidance Measures to limit the abuse of opioid drugs have been issued by the US Food and Drug Administration in guidance for the pharmaceutical industry.…
Saturated fat: guidelines to reduce coronary heart disease risk are still valid A debate over whether saturated fat is bad for cardiovascular health has surfaced once again. The evidence still stands: its consumption should be limited.…
Study provides insight into why PPI users benefit from calcium supplements Researchers have identified a gene, Snx10, whose expression is required both in the bone and stomach to maintain normal gastric acidification and calcium absorption.…
Mary Isobel Jordan diesOn 5 April 2015, Mary Isobel Jordan FRPharmS, aged 94, of 24 Millard Close, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 7EW. Mrs Jordan registered with the Society in 1944 and then became a Fellow in 1992.…