RPS elections 2024: Ankish Patel

English Pharmacy Board candidate

Ankish is the head of workforce for a GP federation in Nottingham from where he brings a fresh PCN pharmacy perspective and 15 years of previous community pharmacy experience. Ankish has been a steadfast advocate at local, regional, and national levels, and is keen to support opportunities for others, ensuring appropriate representation for our profession at all levels.

Ankish’s mission is clear: To champion meaningful changes that directly impact pharmacists on the ground. From advocating for better supervision support to promoting safer independent prescribing, he’s committed to driving tangible improvements for frontline multi-sector pharmacists at different stages of their career.

Moreover, Ankish is passionate about nurturing the next generation of leaders. He aims to foster a greater sense of pride for RPS membership and ensure that future board members have a restricted tenure, keeping the RPS vibrant, innovative, inclusive, and representative of its diverse membership.


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