Salicylic acid exposure might increase risk of Staphylococcus aureus Animal research suggests that frequent consumption of aspirin could contribute to S. aureus infection.…
Panic over “symptomatuc refief” for throat problemsThe reported shortage of a popular throat mixture has sent panic across the entertainment industry because of its popularity with actors, singers and performers.…
Shortening antibiotic treatment worsens outcomes in children with ear infection Researchers found that standard-duration antibiotic treatment for acute otitis media works better than shorter treatments.…
Methylprednisolone as effective as gentamicin for Ménière’s disease Study shows that methylprednisolone and gentamicin are equally as effective in controlling vertigo attacks.…
Antibiotic gel crosses eardrum to treat middle ear infections A one-dose application of an antibiotic gel into the ear could make it easier to treat middle ear infections in children, say US researchers.…
Steam inhalation not effective in patients with sinusitis Patients receiving nasal irrigation showed greater improvement after six months.…
Monoclonal antibody shows promise for chronic sinusitis Study shows dupilumab therapy improves smell, sinus volume and inspiratory flow in patients with polyps.…
Inflammation increases risk of hearing loss with antibiotic treatment Inflammation increases the risk of hearing loss associated with the use of aminoglycoside antibiotics, according to a study published in Science Translational Medicine.…
What makes us sneeze?Sneezing can be triggered by many activities, such as having a full stomach, tweezing your eyebrows and exercise. Andrew Haynes explains why one sneezing condition may have dangerous outcomes.…
Removing items from children’s noses Removing objects from young children’s noses can be challenging. ‘Watch and wait’ and the ‘parent’s kiss’ are two techniques available.…