Heavy menstrual bleeding: diagnosis and management options Heavy menstrual bleeding has a major impact on a woman’s quality of life. This article covers the most recent guidance and available treatment options.…
Preconception blood pressure linked to pregnancy loss risk Interventions to reduce blood pressure may help to improve reproductive outcomes in healthy young women, research has found.…
PM recognises pharmacist for ‘pioneering’ breastfeeding helpline Community pharmacist Wendy Jones has been recognised by prime minister Theresa May with a Point of Light award for a career dedicated to providing medicines safety advice to breastfeeding women.…
Royal College of GPs to help healthcare professionals talk to patients about menstrual wellbeing The Royal College of General Practitioners is starting work on support for GPs and healthcare professionals to talk to patients about menstrual conditions.…
MHRA announces new valproate licensing rules Valproate must no longer be prescribed to women or girls of childbearing potential unless they are on a pregnancy prevention programme, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has said.…
Fish oil and probiotic supplements during pregnancy may reduce infant risk of allergic disease A systematic review and meta-analysis of maternal diets has shown that probiotic and fish oil supplements reduce infant risk of eczema and egg allergy.…
Painkillers in pregnancy ‘may reduce fertility of unborn child’Taking paracetamol or ibuprofen during pregnancy could affect an unborn child’s fertility in later life, researchers have suggested.…
Ibuprofen use in early pregnancy might impact female offspring’s fertility Research has shown for the first time that ibuprofen use may negatively affect foetuses as early as in the first trimester…
Using home blood pressure monitoring in hypertensive pregnancies could reduce hospital visits Home blood pressure monitoring can reduce the number of hospital visits for pregnant women with hypertension, without compromising maternal and pregnancy outcomes.…
Risk of oral cleft from topiramate exposure increases with dosage Study highlights that the risk of oral clefts in infants born to mothers who took topiramate for epilepsy was higher than that for women who took topiramate for other indications.…