Andrew Herxheimer (1925–2016) Andrew Herxheimer was a champion of evidence-based medicine and founder of the Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin.…
Top 10 news stories for 2015 Drug safety was a hot topic in 2015, accounting for five of the top 10 news stories consumed by our readers.…
Most read ‘Your RPS’ articles of 2015 Last year saw a significant shift in the pharmacy landscape, with calls to better utilise the clinical knowledge and skills of pharmacists, and expand their role within the multidisciplinary team.…
Most popular features of 2015 from The Pharmaceutical Journal Features about new cholesterol-busting drugs, the use of ketamine to treat depression and the regulation of clinical trials in India were the most popular of those published online in 2015.…
Your reading habits help us give you more of what you want Finding out what members want and need is vital for any membership body, and user data from our website will help us deliver more of what you want.…
A reflection on RPS members’ priorities as pharmacistsWhat RPS members are anonymously telling The Royal Pharmaceutical Society via the content they read on…
Call for papers: make your contribution to the new Clinical Pharmacist We are accepting the following types of article for peer review…
Licence to publishWe do not require authors to transfer copyright. Instead, authors are requested to sign and return a ‘licence to publish’ once an article has been accepted for publication (version of license will depend on open access option — see Author options post-acceptance below). Authors can…
How to be an effective peer reviewer The peer review process allows experts to analyse scientific research before it is published. Being a peer reviewer enables you to take part in the scientific process, build contacts and view your own work more objectively.…
Article typesAn overview of the requirements, word limits and format for each article type published in The Pharmaceutical Journal.…