How we are igniting change through the chief pharmaceutical officer’s Fellowship scheme Four pharmacists taking part in the chief pharmaceutical officer's clinical Fellow scheme share their experiences so far.…
Case-based learning: testosterone deficiency How pharmacy teams can provide appropriate advice to men presenting with cases of suspected testosterone deficiency.…
Test yourself: the 2023 CPD and Learning quiz Assess your knowledge on topics ranging from infectious diseases, to professional skills, to cardiology, in our end-of-year CPD and learning quiz.…
Pharmacy has a role in innovation adoption in healthcare systems Collaboration between integrated care systems and pharmacy teams is essential to developing innovative patient services that reduce health inequalities.…
National pharmacy board meeting: 9 November 2023 The English, Scottish and Welsh national pharmacy boards met jointly for their final meeting of 2023 to discuss leadership changes and the RPS's inclusion and diversity work.…
Principles of effective history taking when prescribing An accurate patient history provides a foundation for assessing the best options for patients and preventing errors. This article outlines principles and approaches that can help prescribers to gather information effectively.…
Nina Barnett (1965–2023) “Inspirational” pharmacy stalwart Nina Barnett will leave behind a legacy that her peers say they will proudly continue to take forward.…
Principles of person-centred practice for prescribing Effective prescribing requires an understanding of the patient’s individual needs, preferences and values. This article introduces the principles of person-centred practice and how they can be implemented in pharmacist prescribing.…
Claire Anderson re-elected as RPS president for a second term Speaking at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's Assembly meeting, Claire Anderson said she had decided to stand for president again to offer the Society “much needed continuity”.…
Writing patient notes: a guide for pharmacists An overview of how to write clear, accurate and well-structured patient notes.…