Tuesday 14 April: Doncaster and South Humber
Local practice forum event, ‘New oral anticoagulants’. Arties Mill Lodge, Castlethorpe, Brigg, North Lincolnshire DN20 9LF. Event 7.30pm, registration 6.45pm. Book via email: sec2015@dashlpf.org.uk
Tuesday 21 April: Doncaster and South Humber
Local practice forum event, ‘An update on new treatments for COPD’. Aagrah, Woodlands, Doncaster DN6 7RA. Buffet 6.45pm, event 7.30pm. Book via email: sec2015@dashlpf.org.uk.
Tuesday 21 April: Cheshire and Merseyside
Local practice forum event, ‘Bariatric surgery and its effects on medicines usage post surgery’. The Blue Cap, Chester Road, Sandiway, Northwich CW8 2DN. Buffet 7.15pm, event 8pm. Booking not essential but helps with catering numbers.
Thursday 23 April: West Yorkshire
Local practice forum event, ‘Medicines optimisation in action — putting patients first’. Room 2.10 Baines Wing, University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 9JT. Buffet 6.30pm, event 7pm. Book via the RPS website.