Case-based learning: acne vulgaris Causes, diagnosis and management options for a range of patients, including those with mild or moderate acne.…
Advice on how to treat skin tags Q: I’ve got these little things on my neck and they irritate me when I wear a necklace. What are they and how can I get rid of them?…
Angular cheilitis Q: This is my daughter [teenager]. She’s had these cracks in the corners of her mouth for two weeks and they’re not getting better. We’ve been putting Vaseline on at night but now it hurts when she eats. What else can we do?…
Heel fissuresQ: My heels are really dry and cracked. Is there anything I can use to help them? They’re beginning to feel a bit sore.…
Exploring the views of prisoners attending a pharmacist-run dermatology clinicThis article aims to evaluate the results of a survey of male prisoners attending a pharmacist-led dermatology clinic.…