Government should consider ways to prevent ‘inappropriate overseas prescribing’ of hormone drugs, review recommends The Cass review of gender identity services for children and young people has recommended the government work with the General Pharmaceutical Council to consider statutory solutions to prevent inappropriate overseas prescribing of hormone supplies.…
How our trust reduced carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to driving almost 7,000 miles in a month Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust reduced its medicines waste by moving patients’ medication with them and returning unused medication to the pharmacy in a timely manner.…
Case-based learning: ensuring safety of oral medicines for children An overview of the risks pharmacists should be aware of regarding oral medicines for children, including how these risks can be appropriately communicated to patients and parents or carers.…
Declining use of sodium valproate linked to fall in birth defects among children, study results show Children exposed to levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine and lamotrigine in the womb had the lowest prevalence of major congenital malformations.…
Adopting a quality improvement approach to patient safety incidents How pharmacists can support the implementation of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework and drive continuous improvement.…
UK regulator recommends new safety measures for medicines containing pseudoephedrine Safety information for all medicines containing pseudoephedrine will be updated to make clear the risk of rare, but serious, side effects.…
Codeine linctus to be reclassified as a prescription-only medicine While codeine linctus is effective for long-term dry cough, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency said “misuse and abuse can have major health consequences”.…
DOACs to be analysed as part of genetic biobank scheme Patients who report adverse effects from direct oral anticoagulants to the Yellow Card scheme may be contacted to provide a blood sample, from which data will then be added to a biobank for researchers to analyse.…
UK’s first regular street drug-checking service opens in Bristol The service will run once per month, with the aim of reducing harm from drug taking and increasing understanding of local drug markets.…
More than £30m of illegal medicines seized by MHRA in 2023 The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency says its support to online marketplaces led to the removal of more than half a million unregulated medicines and medical devices before they hit the UK market.…