University of Leicester launches MPharm course Students on the new MPharm course will spend 40 weeks in clinical placements and will have the opportunity to complete a research project or overseas internship.…
Just over half of places filled on specialist mental health training for pharmacists Exclusive: The University of Bradford has confirmed that 55% of places were filled in the first year of its ‘Specialist mental health pharmacist training pathway’.…
Universities in south west of England expand MPharm course to address pharmacist shortage The University of Bath will offer its MPharm programme at the University of Plymouth, with data showing that community pharmacist workforce shortages in the south west of England are among the highest in the country.…
Northern Ireland doubles number of pharmacy undergraduates since 2020 The Pharmacy Futures Campaign NI was launched in 2020 to build capacity across the pharmacy workforce.…
My experience as a pharmacist escaping from conflict in my home country Hwaida Elsadig shares her experience of escaping Khartoum, Sudan, at the outbreak of war and how she is continuing to support pharmacy students who remain there.…
Geraldine McCaffrey: ‘The advances we’re making in Wales are really exciting’ The recently elected chair of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s Welsh Pharmacy Board talks to The Pharmaceutical Journal about the Society’s role in assisting the evolving workforce in Wales.…
This is a drill: the simulations training next-generation pharmacists From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, schools of pharmacy are making use of the latest in simulation technology to prepare future pharmacists for their digitally-enabled careers as prescribers.…
Bangor University’s new pharmacy school could offer teaching in Welsh A spokesperson for the university said elements of its planned MPharm course were likely to be offered in Welsh as well as English, “in line with regional needs and Bangor University policy".…
Regulator to monitor registration assessment performance of three further pharmacy schools Data from the General Pharmaceutical Council's report on the June 2023 registration exam show low pass rates for students from the University of Hertfordshire, University of Lincoln and University of Portsmouth.…
RPS forms working group to address attainment and awarding gaps for black students The group will meet quarterly to discuss how to improve the attainment and awarding gap for black students in the registration exam and MPharm degree.…