Developments in the management of anaemia and other complications in adults with chronic kidney disease An overview of updates to guidance on the management of chronic kidney disease and advancements in treatment for anaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease.…
Pharmacist review required in majority of acute kidney injury cases, finds pilot The pharmacy team at Wrexham Maelor Hospital in north Wales were awarded the 'Digital Impact Award' at the MediWales Innovation Awards 2021 for their software project.…
Diabetes drug to treat chronic kidney disease in adults has licence extension granted The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has granted a licence extension for dapagliflozin, after promising trial results.…
Nephrotic syndrome in adults: symptoms and management Although it is a rare condition, nephrotic syndrome involves clinical features that require pharmacological management.…
Top five infographics of 2020I’m sure it will come as no surprise that The Pharmaceutical Journal’s most-read infographics this year take a look at COVID-19.…
‘I have developed good working relationships with my patients beyond their diagnosis’ – a day in the life of a renal pharmacist With the support of his manager and the renal department, Aaron Acquaye is constantly striving to develop his clinical knowledge and skills. …
EMA to investigate possible link between remdesivir and acute kidney injury The European Medicines Agency’s safety committee is to review reports of acute kidney injury in some patients being given remdesivir for COVID-19.…
Spotting the signs of acute kidney injury With 65% of cases beginning in the community, pharmacists can help detect acute kidney injury early and review patients’ medicines before their condition worsens. …
How my part-time medicines safety PhD changed prescribing practice for older people Pharmacist Su Wood’s work on estimating reduced kidney function led to a major change in national recommendations for prescribing in older people.…
At last, a new treatment option for diabetes-related chronic kidney disease Guideline-changing trial results released earlier in 2019 suggest that SGLT2 inhibitors could be a viable treatment solution for patients with diabetes and evidence of kidney damage.…