Improving asthma care for children and young people Considerations for pharmacists in helping young patients manage their asthma.…
Transition of care for young people moving to adult healthcare services Moving to adult care services can be an unsettling time for paediatric patients. A well thought out transition plan is needed to ensure young people remain engaged and take ownership of their health.…
NHS to start routinely offering blindness drug to premature babies Treatment with ranibizumab, which is administered using a precision injection system, would begin two or three days after diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity.…
Children and young people with asthma: symptoms, diagnosis and the role of pharmacy The first of our two-part series on asthma in children and young people is an overview of the condition, outlining the role pharmacy can play in supporting patients and their families and/or carers.…
Prescribing errors in children: why they happen and how to prevent them Highlighting the potential causes of error when prescribing for children and outlining how pharmacists can support safer prescribing.…
Newborn babies to be genetically tested to prevent gentamicin-associated deafness Around 1,200 babies born in England and Wales each year are at risk of hearing loss from gentamicin.…
Families need support to reduce the risk of adverse drug reactions from breastfeeding There is currently a blind spot in the evidence on whether maternal medicines cause adverse drug reactions, a topic on which pharmacists can advise.…
MHRA approves first vaccine in ten years to protect children against pneumococcal diseases The drugs regulator has approved an extension for Vaxneuvance (PCV15) to cover children as well as adults.…
Monoclonal antibody 75% effective in infants against respiratory viral infection Nirsevimab could become the first immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus for all infants.…