NICE approves osteoporosis treatment that could benefit 14,000 people at high risk of fracture Abaloparatide will provide an alternative for women after menopause who have not responded to, or cannot tolerate, usual treatment options.…
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: recognition, diagnosis and conventional pharmacological management Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common chronic childhood rheumatic disease. Pharmacists are a vital part of the multidisciplinary team and should be aware of the considerations for pharmacological management.…
HRT associated with 46% increase in rheumatoid arthritis, suggest study results Despite study results showing an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis, the British Menopause Society cautions that the results are unlikely to change HRT prescribing practice.…
Pharmaceutical considerations for fracture management in adults Fractures can cause significant morbidity and mortality and require a multidisciplinary approach for the best patient outcomes.…
Rheumatoid arthritis: management An overview of the medicines used for symptom control and disease modification, with consideration given to non-pharmacological approaches that support management of rheumatoid arthritis.…
Risk assessment for rheumatoid arthritis drug could result in fewer blood tests for patients, research suggests Researchers have developed a risk-stratified monitoring system for toxicity linked to methotrexate to determine a patient's risk of abnormal blood test results.…
NSAIDs fail to reduce joint inflammation for people with arthritis of the knee, study results show Comparing two groups of people with synovitis, researchers found that those treated with long-term oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs had worse synovitis than those not treated with the drugs.…
Pharmacy guide to joint pain: case studies Example case studies and consultations to help guide pharmacy teams on how to best manage patients presenting with joint pain symptoms in community pharmacy.… Supported content
Pharmacy guide to joint pain: management A guide, including an algorithm, for pharmacy teams on how to effectively manage patients presenting with joint pain symptoms in community pharmacy.… Supported content
Pharmacy guide to joint pain: diagnosis and assessment A guide for pharmacy teams on how to effectively assess patients presenting with joint pain symptoms in community pharmacy.… Supported content