Wilson’s disease: diagnosis and management An overview of the causes, signs, symptoms and management of Wilson’s disease, an autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterised by the accumulation of copper in various body tissues.…
Epilepsy: symptoms and diagnosis An overview of epilepsy, including seizure types, associated risks and diagnosis.…
Keloid scars: recognition and management A visual guide to the symptoms and typical presentation of keloid scarring, a common presentation in skin of colour, and its optimal management.…
Case-based learning: psoriasis management in community pharmacy How pharmacy teams should respond to a patient requesting advice and further information when presenting at the pharmacy with a new prescription for the treatment of plaque psoriasis.…
Case-based learning: haemorrhoids An overview of the signs, symptoms and recommended management of haemorrhoids, as well as advice on when referral is required.…
Headache: recognition and management Headaches are a very common disorder, with patients likely to present to community pharmacies for relief. Pharmacists should be able to advise on management, ensuring that medication overuse is prevented.…
Asplenia and hyposplenism in adults: recognition, diagnosis and management Pharmacists should be aware of a patient’s absence of splenic function and understand how the condition is managed, including the importance of vaccination history and 'rescue' antibiotics.…
Diagnosis and management of stable angina Principles to guide patient consultation and management of stable angina.…
Recognising common skin conditions in people of colour Improving knowledge around diagnosis of eczema, psoriasis, acne vulgaris and fungal skin infections in skin of colour can facilitate timely diagnosis and reduce severity of disease.… Supported content
Carpal tunnel syndrome: identification and management As the NHS faces a backlog of patients requiring surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacy teams should be able to diagnose and support patients with effective management earlier to avoid surgery.…