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Haematologic agents
Haemic and lymphatic diseases
Health and care policy
Health communication and promotion
Health Education and Improvement Wales
Health Education England
Health inequalities
Health literacy
Health services administration
Health technology assessors
Healthcare informatics
Healthcare provision
Healthy living pharmacy
Heart failure
Heart health
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
HIV Pharmacy Association
HIV- Faculty
Hospital doctor
Hospital pharmacy
HP. Competences for pharmacists working in hospital practice
HP1. Planning pharmaceutical care for individual patients
HP10. Promoting quality and improving practice
HP10a. Contributing to the clinical governance agenda
HP10b. Managing risk
HP10c. Managing/embracing change
HP10d. Utilising the skills of other staff (skill mix)
HP10e. Training and developing staff
HP10f. Adopting reflective practice
HP10g. Recognising responsibility and accountability HP10h
HP10l. Participating in clinical audit HP10m
HP10o. Undertaking performance review of staff
HP10p. Reducing medication errors
HP10q. Learning from errors
HP10r. Contributing to the development of quality standards
HP11. Managing formularies, guidelines and protocols
HP11a. Developing formularies, guidelines and protocols in liaison with medical staff, nursing staff and other pharmacy colleagues
HP11b. Ensuring that stocks of medicines held in treatment areas conform to the formulary
HP11c. Ensuring that procedures are in place for the supply of formulary and non-formulary items
HP11d. Reviewing formularies, guidelines and protocols in collaboration with medical, nursing and pharmacy staff
HP11e. Ensuring that deviation from a formulary, clinical guideline or treatment protocol is the result of an active decision which involves the pharmacist
HP12. Working across professional and organisational boundaries
HP12a. Working/liaising with primary care
HP12b. Providing support to prescribers, eg reviewing repeat prescribing
HP12c. Using and contributing to shared records
HP12d. Providing intermediate care services
HP12e. Providing palliative care services, eg to hospices
HP12f. Developing joint care protocols
HP12g. Working with NHS agencies
HP12h. Working with sectors other than healthcare
HP13 . Reviewing and developing services
HP13a. Reviewing services
HP13b. Developing new services
HP13c. Developing ‘whole system’ prescribing
HP13d. Redesigning processes
HP13e. Redesigning medicines supply, eg original pack dispensing, automation
HP13f. Improving procurement systems
HP14. Producing, using and maintaining records; using information technology
HP14a. Using information technology, eg electronic records
HP14b. Compiling information on patients’ current and past drug treatments
HP14c. Documenting a medication history/profile HP14d
HP15. Undertaking specialised activities
HP15a. Supplementary prescribing (see separate competences for supplementary prescribers)
HP15b. Participating in, or running, outpatient clinics
HP15c. Producing aseptic and cytotoxic products in a specialised unit
HP15d. Preparing sterile and non-sterile products extemporaneously in a licensed production unit
HP15e. Managing an aseptic or production unit
HP15f. Working in, or running, a quality assurance service
HP15g. Preparing products for clinical trials
HP15h. Preparing radiopharmaceuticals
HP1a. Assessing the individual patient’s pharmaceutical needs
HP1b. Conducting a structured patient interview
HP1c. Compiling a medication history/medication profile
HP1d. Taking account of the patient’s medication history/profile and clinical records
HP1e. Taking account of risk factors (w.r.t. the patient and the medication)
HP1f. Liaising with other members of the patient’s healthcare team
HP1g. Selecting, or advising on, suitable medication, dose, route, frequency, timing and duration
HP1h. Monitoring the patient’s progress and outcomes
HP1i. Reviewing, monitoring and updating the pharmaceutical care plan
HP1j. Recording the pharmaceutical care plan and the advice given to the patient and members of the healthcare team
HP2. Providing medicines information and advice
HP2a. Keeping up-to-date with new products and therapeutic advances
HP2b. Anticipating and identifying the need for evaluated drug information to support formulary review or individual patient care
HP2c. Establishing the background to requests for drug information and advice from healthcare professionals and patients
HP2d. Participating in the education and training of other healthcare professionals
HP2e. Advising on the legal and ethical considerations of using medicines in ways which are not covered by a product licence
HP2f. Liaising with others in regard to clinical trials in progress in the ward or unit
HP2g. Providing advice on pharmaceutical aspects of clinical trial design, eg to research and ethical committees
HP3. Promoting the safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness of medicines
HP3a. Reviewing prescribing
HP3b. Reviewing patients’ medication, eg on admission
HP3c. Educating and training other healthcare professionals on the safe and effective use of medicines
HP3d. Training, advising and counselling patients and carers in medicines taking
HP3e. Educating groups, eg patient groups, school children
HP3f. Providing information leaflets and other written information
HP3g. Assessing and prioritising the education and counselling needs of patients
HP3h. Monitoring patients’ understanding of information provided
HP3i. Recording education and counselling activities
HP3j. Training other healthcare staff to provide education and counselling on the use of medicines and appliances
HP3k. Involving patients and carers in the audit of education and counselling services
HP3l. Assessing future medicines cost pressures
HP4. Monitoring prescriptions
HP5. Identifying and managing risk to patients
HP5a. Ensuring that prescribing for individual patients takes account of predictable adverse effects
HP5b. Ensuring that unnecessary drug use is avoided
HP5c. Individualising drug dosage requirements
HP5d. Identifying risk factors specific to the patient, eg their characteristics; social, environmental, functional, cognitive; aspects of their disease
HP5e. Identifying risk factors in relation to the patient’s medication, eg toxicity, availability, bio-availability, administration issues
HP5f. Ensuring that patients receive cautionary and advisory labels and appropriate counselling in relation to the use of their medication
HP5g. Identifying patients who will require close monitoring of their medicines administration
HP5h. Educating and training pharmacy staff and other healthcare staff on the prevention, detection and reporting of ADRs
HP5i. Monitoring patients for adverse reactions, including delayed effects
HP5j. Participating in therapeutic drug monitoring
HP5k. Using all sources of information that may be helpful in detecting and monitoring ADRs
HP5l. Reporting, and encouraging others to report, ADRs
HP5m. Monitoring patients for iatrogenic disease
HP6. Optimising medicines administration
HP6a. Ensuring medication is administered correctly
HP6b. Developing/managing self-administration schemes
HP6c. Training staff involved in the administration of medicines
HP7. Promoting health
HP7a. Providing health education information
HP7b. Promoting healthy lifestyles and increasing awareness of current issues and guidelines
HP7c. Screening for chronic conditions
HP7d. Planning and managing vaccination and immunisation programmes
HP7e. Participating in measures to minimise the spread of communicable diseases, eg in relation to travellers, sexual practices, drug misuse
HP7f. Contributing to health protection initiatives
HP8. Evaluating medicines use
HP8a. Identifying medicines which are suitable for medicines use evaluation
HP8b. Defining acceptable standards for medicines use, with objective and measurable criteria
HP8c. Measuring and documenting outcomes against the standards HP8d
HP9. Managing transfer to another healthcare setting
HP9a. Collaborating with professionals to whom responsibility for the patient is to be transferred
HP9b. Taking account of shared care protocols
HP9c. Ensuring the patient receives appropriate counselling and advice on discharge
HP9d. Writing/reviewing the discharge prescription
HP9e. Reviewing the pharmaceutical care plan for the patient
HP9f. Making arrangements for the necessary medicines, dressings and appliances to be supplied on time
HP9g. Documenting the discharge/transfer and pharmaceutical care plans
HP9h. Transferring information between the healthcare settings
Human rights
Hypersensitivity and allergy