A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
C. Competences for pharmacists working in community practice
C1. Working with patients and the public to maximise the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of medicines
C1a. Assessing the medication needs of patients
C1b. Reviewing medication for its clinical appropriateness
C1c. Reviewing medication with patients to identify difficulties and potential risk, eg concordance issues, adverse effects, changing medication needs
C1d. Monitoring indicators of disease progress, drug efficacy or drug toxicity
C1e. Providing a pharmaceutical service to patients in their home
C1f. Providing advice and counselling, eg related to minor ailments, medicines for purchase, appliances, self-care
C1g. Participating in referral schemes to treat minor ailments
C1h. Undertaking clinical audit
C1i. Generating and maintaining records of medication supplied to patients
C1j. Recording and reporting adverse drug reactions
C1k. Documenting pharmaceutical care plans
C1l. Producing and providing practice leaflets containing information about services available
C2. Working with patients and the public to promote health
C2a. Providing information to promote public health and prevent disease
C2b. Participating in national and local health campaigns and initiatives
C2c. Creating and making use of opportunities to encourage healthy lifestyles
C2d. Providing a smoking cessation service
C2e. Screening and testing for chronic conditions
C2f. Providing advice in relation to self-testing
C3. Addressing the health and medication needs of specific client groups
C3a. Addressing the medication needs of patients transferring from one health/social care setting to another
C3b. Providing pharmaceutical care to the elderly and their carers
C3c. Providing pharmaceutical care to children and their carers
C3d. Providing pharmaceutical care to patients who require palliative care in their own homes
C3e. Providing pharmaceutical care to people with chronic conditions, eg asthma, diabetes, CHD, mental ill health
C3f. Providing pharmaceutical care to people with specific dietary needs
C3g. Providing services to drug misusers, including supervised administration and needle exchange
C3h. Providing pharmaceutical care to people who use surgical appliances, hosiery and medical gases
C4. Working with other professions in healthcare and with other sectors
C4a. Acting on referrals from GPs and NHS Direct
C4b. Providing medicines-related information to other healthcare professionals
C4c. Providing training and education to other healthcare professionals
C4d. Evaluating drug information to assist other professionals
C4e. Participating in the development and review of patient group directions, treatment protocols, formularies and guidelines
C4f. Evaluating and reviewing medicines use and utilisation
C4g. Working across professional boundaries
C4h. Providing training and education to pharmacy staff
C4i. Analysing and reviewing repeat prescribing
C4j. Providing a pharmaceutical service to care homes, including intermediate care, and to hospices
C4k. Signposting to other healthcare or social care provision
C5. Working according to the NHS contract
C5a. Understanding, and working in accordance with, NHS terms of service and contract, including specifications of the Drug Tariff
C5b. Analysing and evaluating prescribing data
C5c. Developing and implementing new services under local or national contracts
C5d. Participating in local accreditation schemes
C5e. Providing services out of hours
C5f. Premises design for dispensing and consulting services
C6. Supplying medicines, dressings and appliances; and managing stock
C6a. Dispensing / managing the dispensing process
C6b. Providing a repeat dispensing service
C6c. Providing collection and delivery services
C6d. Providing an emergency hormonal contraception service
C6e. Supplying oxygen
C6f. Managing stock, including correct storage
C6g. Disposing of medication and participating in medication disposal schemes
C7. Working in a business context
C7a. Analyse basic business problems, assess alternative choices, and propose actions
C7b. Present, summarise, interpret and analyse economic and business data
C7c. Buying and selling
C7d. Marketing services and products to identified customer groups
C7e. Premises design to meet business needs
Calcium channel blockers
Cancer care
Cancer drugs funding
Cardioplegic solutions
Cardiotonic agents
Cardiovascular agents
Cardiovascular diseases
Care homes and intermediate care
Care of older people
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Career stages
Case control study
Case report
Cell biology
Cell therapy
Central America
Central muscle relaxants
Central nervous system agents
Central nervous system depressants
Central nervous system stimulants
Channel Islands
Chelation therapy
Chief pharmacist
Cholagogues and choleretics
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic medication services
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Chronic pain management
Climate change
Clinical commissioning groups
Clinical governance
Clinical pharmacist
Clinical pharmacology
Clinical pharmacy
Clinical prioritisation
Clinical protocols
Clinical research
CLUSTER 1. Expert Professional Practice
CLUSTER 1. Patient and Pharmaceutical Care
CLUSTER 2. Collaborative Working Relationships
CLUSTER 2. Professional Practice Competencies
CLUSTER 3. Leadership
CLUSTER 3. Personal Practice Competencies
CLUSTER 4: Management - Faculty
CLUSTER 4: Management and Organisation
CLUSTER 5. Education, Training and Development
CLUSTER 6. Research and Evaluation - Faculty
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Cohort study
College of Mental Health Pharmacy
Combination products
Commissioning support units
Common and minor ailment services
Commonwealth of Independent States
Communication and information management
Communication skills
Community pharmacy
Community Pharmacy England
Community Pharmacy Scotland
Community pharmacy services
Community Pharmacy Wales
Company Chemists' Association
Competency areas
Complementary and alternative medicines
Compound management
Conferences and meetings
Confidentiality and privacy
Congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities
Consultant pharmacist
Consumer advocacy
Continuing professional development (CPD)
Contraceptive agents
Controlled Drugs
Counterfeit medicines
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease - CJD
Critical appraisal
Critical care
Critical care- Faculty
Crohn's disease
CV writing
Cytochrome P450